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Anatomy of an Equinox Service

An Equinox service is composed of a few modules (namespaces).

  • Stream: shows which category the service writes to and how the identity of the stream is composed (and the reverse operations for when running Reaction logic)
  • Events: shows which events the service writes
  • Fold: shows how the events are folded into state
  • Decide: shows which actions can be taken upon the state (resulting in new events being written)
  • Query: shows how we map the state to answer questions.
  • Service: the class that wraps the above into a cohesive domain service.
  • Config: shows how we've opted to to bind the Service to Streams in a Concrete Store (which Access Strategies to apply, if any) including important information like access strategies.

Everything above Service is considered internal to the module. It is exported as a convenience for testing, but other modules should not take a dependency on anything other than the Service.

Let's see what each of these modules looks like for a simple service for checking in and out for an Appointment Booking.

The Stream

import { StreamId, StreamName, Uuid } from "@equinox-js/core"

export type AppointmentId = Uuid.Uuid<"AppointmentId">
export const AppointmentId = Uuid.create<"AppointmentId">()
export type UserId = Uuid.Uuid<"UserId">
export const UserId = Uuid.create<"UserId">()

export namespace Stream {
export const category = "AppointmentActuals"
export const streamId = StreamId.gen(AppointmentId.toString, UserId.toString)
export const decodeId = StreamId.dec(AppointmentId.parse, UserId.parse)
export const tryMatch = StreamName.tryMatch(category, decodeId)

The Events

import * as z from "zod"
import { Codec } from "@equinox-js/core"

export namespace Events {
// prettier-ignore
const date = z.string().datetime().transform((x) => new Date(x))
export const Timestamp = z.object({ timestamp: date })
export type Timestamp = z.infer<typeof Timestamp>
export const ActualsOverridden = z.object({ checkedIn: date, checkedOut: date })
export type ActualsOverridden = z.infer<typeof ActualsOverridden>

export type Event =
| { type: "CheckedIn"; data: Timestamp }
| { type: "CheckedOut"; data: Timestamp }
| { type: "ActualsOverridden"; data: ActualsOverridden }

export const codec = Codec.upcast<Event>(
CheckedIn: Timestamp.parse,
CheckedOut: Timestamp.parse,
ActualsOverridden: ActualsOverridden.parse,

The Fold

export namespace Fold {
import Event = Events.Event
export type State = { checkedIn?: Date; checkedOut?: Date }
export const initial: State = {}
export const evolve = (state: State, event: Event) => {
switch (event.type) {
case "CheckedIn":
return { ...state, checkedIn: }
case "CheckedOut":
return { ...state, checkedOut: }
case "ActualsOverridden":
export const fold = (state: State, events: Event[]) => events.reduce(evolve, state)

The Decide

export namespace Decide {
import Event = Events.Event
import State = Fold.State
export const checkIn =
(timestamp: Date) =>
(state: State): Event[] => {
// Check if already checked in with a different timestamp
// The caller is expected to guard against this
if (state.checkedIn && +state.checkedIn !== +timestamp) {
throw new Error("Already checked in with different timestamp")

// Silent idempotent handling: We accept retried requests with identical timestamps.
// If checked in with the same timestamp, no changes are required.
if (state.checkedIn && +state.checkedIn === +timestamp) return []

return [{ type: "CheckedIn", data: { timestamp } }]
export const checkOut =
(timestamp: Date) =>
(state: State): Event[] => {
if (state.checkedOut && +state.checkedOut !== +timestamp) {
throw new Error("Already checked out with different timestamp")
if (state.checkedOut && +state.checkedOut === +timestamp) return []
return [{ type: "CheckedOut", data: { timestamp } }]

const isSameDate = (a: Date, b?: Date) => b && +a === +b

export const manuallyOverride =
(checkedIn: Date, checkedOut: Date) =>
(state: State): Event[] => {
if (isSameDate(checkedIn, state?.checkedIn) && isSameDate(checkedOut, state?.checkedOut))
return []
return [{ type: "ActualsOverridden", data: { checkedIn, checkedOut } }]

The Queries

import { ISyncContext } from "@equinox-js/core"
export namespace Query {
type Status =
| { type: "not-started"; version: bigint }
| { type: "in-progress"; version: bigint; startedAt: Date }
| { type: "complete"; version: bigint; startedAt: Date; durationMs: number }
export const status = ({ state, version }: ISyncContext<Fold.State>): Status => {
if (state.checkedIn && state.checkedOut) {
return {
type: "complete",
startedAt: state.checkedIn,
durationMs: +state.checkedOut - +state.checkedIn,
if (state.checkedIn) return { type: "in-progress", version, startedAt: state.checkedIn }
return { type: "not-started", version }

The Service

import { Decider, LoadOption } from "@equinox-js/core"
export class Service {
private readonly resolve: (
appointmentId: AppointmentId,
userId: UserId,
) => Decider<Events.Event, Fold.State>,
) {}

checkIn(appointmentId: AppointmentId, userId: UserId, timestamp: Date) {
const decider = this.resolve(appointmentId, userId)
return decider.transact(Decide.checkIn(timestamp), LoadOption.AssumeEmpty)

checkOut(appointmentId: AppointmentId, userId: UserId, timestamp: Date) {
const decider = this.resolve(appointmentId, userId)
return decider.transact(Decide.checkOut(timestamp))

appointmentId: AppointmentId,
userId: UserId,
checkedIn: Date,
checkedOut: Date,
) {
const decider = this.resolve(appointmentId, userId)
return decider.transact(Decide.manuallyOverride(checkedIn, checkedOut))

readStatus(appointmentId: AppointmentId, userId: UserId) {
const decider = this.resolve(appointmentId, userId)

/** In many cases we do not need to fetch missing events because we can accept a stale value from the cache.
* We prefer making the staleness explicit in the method name */
readStatusStale(appointmentId: AppointmentId, userId: UserId) {
const decider = this.resolve(appointmentId, userId)
decider.queryEx(Query.status, LoadOption.AnyCachedValue)

The Config

See the `../equinox-config.ts` snippet

Most projects will be well served by copying this snippet and removing stores that are not in use. That is, have a binding for memory store and a single concrete store.

import { ICodec, ICache, CachingStrategy, Codec } from "@equinox-js/core"
import { MemoryStoreCategory, VolatileStore } from "@equinox-js/memory-store"
import * as MessageDB from "@equinox-js/message-db"
import * as DynamoDB from "@equinox-js/dynamo-store"

export enum Store {

export type Config =
| { store: Store.Memory; context: VolatileStore<string> }
| { store: Store.MessageDb; context: MessageDB.MessageDbContext; cache: ICache }
| { store: Store.Dynamo; context: DynamoDB.DynamoStoreContext; cache: ICache }

// prettier-ignore
export namespace MessageDb {
import AccessStrategy = MessageDB.AccessStrategy
import Category = MessageDB.MessageDbCategory
import Context = MessageDB.MessageDbContext
type Config = { context: Context; cache: ICache }

export function createCached<E, S, C>(name: string, codec: ICodec<E, string, C>, fold: (s: S, e: E[]) => S, initial: S, access: AccessStrategy<E, S>, { context, cache }: Config) {
const caching = CachingStrategy.Cache(cache)
return Category.create(context, name, codec, fold, initial, caching, access);
export function createUnoptimized<E, S, C>(name: string, codec: ICodec<E, string, C>, fold: (s: S, e: E[]) => S, initial: S, config: Config) {
const access = AccessStrategy.Unoptimized<E, S>()
return MessageDb.createCached(name, codec, fold, initial, access, config)
export function createSnapshotted<E, S, C>(name: string, codec: ICodec<E, string, C>, fold: (s: S, e: E[]) => S, initial: S, eventName: string, toSnapshot: (s: S) => E, config: Config) {
const access = AccessStrategy.AdjacentSnapshots(eventName, toSnapshot)
return MessageDb.createCached(name, codec, fold, initial, access, config)
export function createLatestKnown<E, S, C>(name: string, codec: ICodec<E, string, C>, fold: (s: S, e: E[]) => S, initial: S, config: Config) {
const access = AccessStrategy.LatestKnownEvent<E, S>()
return MessageDb.createCached(name, codec, fold, initial, access, config)

// prettier-ignore
export namespace Dynamo {
import AccessStrategy = DynamoDB.AccessStrategy
import Category = DynamoDB.DynamoStoreCategory
import Context = DynamoDB.DynamoStoreContext
type Config = { context: Context; cache: ICache }
export function createCached<E, S, C>(name: string, codec_: ICodec<E, string, C>, fold: (s: S, e: E[]) => S, initial: S, access: AccessStrategy<E, S>, { context, cache }: Config) {
const caching = CachingStrategy.Cache(cache)
const codec = Codec.compress(codec_)
return Category.create(context, name, codec, fold, initial, caching, access);
export function createUnoptimized<E, S, C>(name: string, codec: ICodec<E, string, C>, fold: (s: S, e: E[]) => S, initial: S, config: Config) {
const access = AccessStrategy.Unoptimized()
return Dynamo.createCached(name, codec, fold, initial, access, config)
export function createSnapshotted<E,S,C>(name: string, codec: ICodec<E, string, C>, fold: (s: S, e: E[]) => S, initial: S, isOrigin: (e: E) => boolean, toSnapshot: (s: S) => E, config: Config) {
const access = AccessStrategy.Snapshot(isOrigin, toSnapshot)
return Dynamo.createCached(name, codec, fold, initial, access, config)
export function createRollingState<E,S,C>(name: string, codec: ICodec<E, string, C>, fold: (s: S, e: E[]) => S, initial: S, toSnapshot: (s: S) => E, config: Config) {
const access = AccessStrategy.RollingState(toSnapshot)
return Dynamo.createCached(name, codec, fold, initial, access, config)
export function createLatestKnown<E,S,C>(name: string, codec: ICodec<E, string, C>, fold: (s: S, e: E[]) => S, initial: S, config: Config) {
const access = AccessStrategy.LatestKnownEvent()
return Dynamo.createCached(name, codec, fold, initial, access, config)

// prettier-ignore
export namespace MemoryStore {
export function create<E, S, C>(name: string, codec: ICodec<E, string, C>, fold: (s: S, e: E[]) => S, initial: S, { context: store }: { context: VolatileStore<string> }) {
return MemoryStoreCategory.create(store, name, codec, fold, initial)
import * as Config from "../equinox-config"
class Service {
// ... as above

// prettier-ignore
static resolveCategory(config: Config.Config) {
switch ( {
case Config.Store.Memory:
return Config.MemoryStore.create(Stream.category, Events.codec, Fold.fold, Fold.initial, config)
case Config.Store.MessageDB:
return Config.MessageDB.createUnoptimized(Stream.category, Events.codec, Fold.fold, Fold.initial, config)
case Config.Store.Dynamo:
return Config.Dynamo.createUnoptimized(Stream.category, Events.codec, Fold.fold, Fold.initial, config)
static create(config: Config.Config) {
const category = Service.resolveCategory(config)
const resolve = (appointmentId: AppointmentId, userId: UserId) =>
Decider.forStream(category, Stream.streamId(appointmentId, userId), null)
return new Service(resolve)