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DynamoStore Architecture

When building an event store on top of a serverless NoSQL database it is imperative to apply mechanical sympathy. We've seen implementations of DynamoDB event stores using a single event-per-item strategy. This would seem the obvious choice so let's start by explaining why it's not the greatest idea.

DynamoDB cost model

Zach Charles has a great article conveying the structure of DynamoDB's pricing model -- the charges closely mirror the actual work involved, and any good design will balance those forces well.

The gist of it is that you pay per 4KB for reads, and 1KB for writes, and transactional writes will cost you double. As such DynamoStore is designed to utilise GetItem and PutItem APIs where possible and only resorts to a table scan and transactional write when absolutely necessary.

With these constraints enumerated it should be clear why an event-per-item schema is not the greatest idea

  1. Reading a stream always necessitates a Query
  2. Writing will always be transactional so you'll pay double

The architecture

At heart DynamoDB is a document store and an event sourced system is composed of multiple streams. It therefore stands to reason that we should model the storage such that the events of the stream are colocated in a document. This works great until we run into the 400KB max item size. To solve for this we will move the current events to another document once the document size reaches a configurable threshold (in events or bytes).

The majority of streams in a well-designed system are naturally limited to a low number of events (and aggregate size) so calving is a rare occurrence. For streams where it's unavoidable we provide functionality to store a snapshot within the main stream document ensuring that the state of the stream can be reconstructed in a single round-trip.

To summarise:

  • A stream is represented as one or more documents in the store (a Tip document and 0 or more calved batches of events)
  • The Tip document can contain snapshots (we call these unfolds)
  • Since attribute keys count towards item-size we use single letter key names

Table schema

partitionStringThe stream name (hash key)
indexNumberInt32.MAX for Tip 0-N for calved batches (range key)
bytes?NumberOnly exists in the Tip, number of bytes in predecessor batches
etag?StringEtag of latest update (used for OCC)
casesList(String)Event types
appendsNumberThe number of events appended in the latest update
nextIndexNumberthe index that the next page starts at.

Event schema

timestampStringISO8601 timestamp representing the time the event was encoded in the app
Data encoding?Numberthe encoding used for the data attribute
data?BinaryThe event payload
Meta encoding?Numberthe encoding used for the meta attribute
meta?BinaryThe event metadata
xactionId?StringThe correlation id of the event
why?StringThe causation id (why did this event occur)

Unfold schema

indexNumberThe version of the state the unfold was generated from
caseStringThe event type of the unfold
timestampStringISO8601 timestamp representing the time the unfold was generated
Data encoding?Numberthe encoding used for the data attribute
data?BinaryThe unfold content
Meta encoding?Numberthe encoding used for the meta attribute
meta?BinaryThe unfold metadata


Reacting to events is quite frankly the point of an event-sourced architecture. DynamoDB offers DynamoDB Streams, a Change Data Capture (CDC) for your table. The stream is comprised of stream records containing information about a data modification to a single item in a DynamoDB table. This feed offers three guarantees:

  1. Each stream record appears exactly once in the stream.
  2. For each item that is modified in a DynamoDB table, the stream records appear in the same sequence as the actual modifications to the item.
  3. The stream contains the last 24 hours of stream records.

When reacting to events we need a feed that:

  1. Guarantees all events for a stream are delivered in order with no gaps (at least once delivery can always happen, but a feed that supplies you event 3 of a stream before it has presented you with event 2 is worse than useless)
  2. Has a 100% guarantee that all events get processed. The alternative is programming by coincidence, littering it with nonsensical defensive "just in case" code, and spending hours checking logs to see if by any chance some event just might have been missed "for any reason".

Unfortunately, the DynamoDB stream does not achieve these requirements. Firstly, the stream is windowed over the last 24hrs. For event-sourced reactions we need to be able to stand up a new read-model as if it had always been there. The last 24 hours is simply not good enough, we need all events. Secondly, the ordering guarantee is for an Item (hash and range pair) meaning you can receive updates within a stream out-of-order.

To work around this we consume the stream to write an index to another DynamoDB table. The index is continuously kept up to date by a Lambda function. Each batch (1-10,000 DDB Stream Records) fed to the Lambda is represented as an Ingested event in a sequence of $AppendsEpoch-<partitionId>-<epoch> streams in near real-time after they are appended. Because there's no retention window, this structure can be deterministically traversed by current or future readers in perpetuity.

To avoid problems with the ordering guarantees of Streams every event MUST first be written to the Tip document.

The index can be read starting from $AppendsEpoch-0_0 and traversed up to the tail of the store, checkpointing along the way. Each epoch can hold at most 1,000,000 items and as such we represent the checkpoint as a single int64 where 1,000,001 is epoch=1, offset=1 whereas 2,000,344 is epoch=2, offset=344.