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In event sourcing, a category is a grouping of related streams that share events of the same schema with consistent semantic meaning. Categories are analogous to classes in object-oriented systems, and play an important role in organizing data in any event sourced system.

Equinox builds on this conceptual foundation. In addition to sharing event schema and meaning, a category in Equinox shares a consistent way to fold events into state, and therefore a consistent state. The Category abstracts the details of how events are loaded from and written to a concrete store. The Equinox programming model de-emphasises infrastructural plumbing in your application code, helping you write your domain code in a storage agnostic way.

Folds and State

It's been said that, in event sourcing, current state is a left fold of previous history, but what does this mean? We've found the most straight forward way to explain this concept is by drawing a parallel with redux. In redux you "dispatch" actions to a store. This action is handled by multiple "reducers" to update the state of the store.

type Action = { type: "Increment" } | { type: "Decrement" }
type State = { count: number }

export function reducer(state: State = { count: 0 }, action: Action): State {
switch (action.type) {
case "Increment":
return { ...state, count: state.count + 1 }
case "Decrement":
return { ...state, count: state.count - 1 }
return state

One way you can exercise a redux reducer is to use Array#reduce

[{ type: 'Increment' }, { type: 'Increment' }].reduce(reducer, { count: 0 }) // { count: 2 }

In functional languages like OCaml, and F# this concept is not called reduce. It's called fold. We could implement fold in javascript like so:

const fold = <Acc, T>(folder: (acc: Acc, value: T) => Acc) => (initial: Acc, items: T[]) => {
let result = initial
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
result = folder(result, items[i])
return result

Notice the type of the folder function Acc -> T -> Acc, this is exactly the same signature as the reducer function above. Therefore, current state being a left fold of previous history means that we can construct the current state of an aggregate by "folding" its events, starting from the beginning (left).