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Getting started

EquinoxJS is a ground-up re-implementation of the Equinox project, an F# event sourcing library. It provides a programming model centered around Deciders as the central domain abstraction.

Install dependencies

You'll need the core library in addition to a concrete store library.

# The core library
pnpm add @equinox-js/core
# And the concrete store library
pnpm add @equinox-js/memory-store @equinox-js/message-db # or @equinox-js/dynamo-store

Quick example

import { Decider, StreamId, StreamName, Uuid, Codec, ICache, CachingStrategy } from "@equinox-js/core"
import { MessageDbCategory, MessageDbContext, AccessStrategy } from "@equinox-js/message-db"
import { VolatileStore, MemoryStoreCategory } from "@equinox-js/memory-store"

export type AccountId = Uuid.Uuid<"AccountId">
export const AccountId = Uuid.create<"AccountId">()

export namespace Stream {
export const category = "Account"
export const id = StreamId.gen(AccountId.toString)
export const decodeId = StreamId.dec(AccountId.parse)
export const match = StreamName.tryMatch(Category, decodeId)

export namespace Events {
export type Amount = { amount: number }
export type Event =
| { type: "Deposited"; data: Amount }
| { type: "Withdrawn"; data: Amount }
export const codec = Codec.json<Event>()

export namespace Fold {
import Event = Events.Event

export type State = number
export const initial: State = 0

export const evolve = (state: State, event: Event): State => {
switch (event.type) {
case "Deposited":
return state +
case "Withdrawn":
return state -
export const fold = (state: State, events: Event[]) => events.reduce(evolve, state)

export namespace Decide {
import Event = Events.Event
import State = Fold.State

export const deposit =
(amount: number) =>
(state: State): Event[] => {
return [{ type: "Deposited", data: { amount } }]
export const withdraw =
(amount: number) =>
(state: State): Event[] => {
if (state < amount) throw new Error("Insufficient funds")
return [{ type: "Withdrawn", data: { amount } }]

export class Service {
constructor(private readonly resolve: (accountId: AccountId) => Decider<Events.Event, Fold.State>) {}

deposit(accountId: AccountId, amount: number) {
const decider = this.resolve(accountId)
return decider.transact(Decide.deposit(amount))

withdraw(accountId: AccountId, amount: number) {
const decider = this.resolve(accountId)
return decider.transact(Decide.withdraw(amount))

readBalance(accountId: AccountId) {
const decider = this.resolve(accountId)
return decider.query((state) => state)

// Creates a service instance wired up against MessageDB
static create(context: MessageDbContext, cache: ICache) {
const caching = CachingStrategy.Cache(cache)
const access = AccessStrategy.Unoptimized()
const category = MessageDbCategory.create(context, Stream.category, Events.codec, Fold.fold, Fold.initial, caching, access)
const resolve = (id: AccountId) => Decider.forStream(category,, null)
return new Service(resolve)

// Creates a service instance wired up against MemoryStore
static createMem(store: VolatileStore<string>) {
const category = MemoryStoreCategory.create(store , Stream.category, Events.codec, Fold.fold, Fold.initial)
const resolve = (id: AccountId) => Decider.forStream(category,, null)
return new Service(resolve)

We generally use a project specific Config abstraction instead of individual create functions. See Anatomy


When testing you can either test the constituent parts of the decider by wiring them up yourself

import { Fold, Decide } from './service'

const given = (events: Event[], interpret: (state: State) => Event[]) =>
interpret(Fold.fold(Fold.initial, events))

test("Depositing", () => {
expect(given([], Decide.deposit(100))).toEqual([{ type: "Deposited", data: { amount: 100 } }])

test("Withdrawing with no funds", () => {
expect(() => given([], Decide.withdraw(100))).toThrow("Insufficient funds")

test("Withdrawing with funds", () => {
expect(given([{ type: "Deposited", data: { amount: 100 } }], Decide.withdraw(50))).toEqual([
type: "Withdrawn",
data: { amount: 50 },

Or you can test it through the Service using the included memory store.

import { VolatileStore } from "@equinox-js/memory-store"

const createService = () => {
const store = new VolatileStore<string>()
return Service.createMem(store)

test("Depositing", async () => {
const service = createService()
await service.deposit("1", 100)
expect(await service.readBalance("1")).toEqual(100)

test("Withdrawing without funds", async () => {
const service = createService()
await expect(service.withdraw("1", 100)).rejects.toThrow("Insufficient funds")

test("Withdrawing with funds", async () => {
const service = createService()
await service.deposit("1", 100)
await service.withdraw("1", 25)
expect(await service.readBalance("1")).toEqual(75)