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In the previous section we learned about reactions but we omitted some important concepts.

Order of Events

While the order of events within a stream is guaranteed, the order of events across different streams is not. This is something you need to be aware of when designing your reactions.

In the rare case you absolutely need ordering across streams we recommend creating a third stream whose purpose is to provide a repeatably read order. This is an easily abstractable problem. Take a look at ntl/aggregate-streams for inspiration.


An idempotent action is one which can be repeated multiple times without changing the outcome. Once you become aware of the concept you'll see it in your daily life all the time. Think of the last time you crossed the street. There's usually a crosswalk with a beg-button. If you press the beg-button once it'll light up to let you know your turn will come. But then, no matter how many times you furiously press the beg-button after that it'll stay in the same state. This is idempotence.

Equinox provides at-least-once delivery semantics (there is no such thing as exactly-once delivery). As such your handler can receive the same event multiple times. You should ensure that your reaction is resilient to this, in other words you should ensure that your reaction is idempotent.

In the previous section's example, the notifier service checks if the message recipients have been notified before attempting to send notifications. This is to avoid sending duplicate notifications if the operation was previously successful. Idempotent reactions makes it easier to manage state and ensure consistent results.


The checkpointer is a crucial component that ensures the state of the event processing is preserved. It maintains checkpoints on a per category per group basis, recording the progress of event processing. This enables the system to resume from where it left off in case of a restart or a failure.

Polling and Batches

Under the hood the source polls for batches of events. Checkpointing happens on a per-batch basis. A simplified version of the subscriber would look like this:

async function start() {
let checkpoint = await checkpointer.load()
while (true) {
const batch = await getNextBatch(checkpoint)
for (const [stream, events] of groupByStream(batch.messages)) {
await handle(stream, events)
if (batch.checkpoint > checkpoint) await
if (batch.isTail) await sleep(tailSleepIntervalMs)

This should give you a rough idea of how the thing works. On top of this simplified version we add bounded concurrent handling, cancellation, and tracing.

The properties of the subscriber can be altered to fit your needs as well. The tail sleep interval controls how long to wait between polls when we're at the end of the store, use a lower value of you need to be closer to real time. The general advice is to tune it to roughly the throughput of the category such that an empty batch is a rare occurrence. Max concurrent streams controls how many streams you can have in flight at any given moment. As an example, if your reaction involves a database you might use the same value for the database pool size and the maximum concurrency.


When running your application, it's good practise to listen for system signals like SIGINT and SIGTERM to gracefully stop the processing. If your source fails, you should restart it to ensure that your reactions continue processing events.